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Thrive - Candidate FAQs
Thrive - Candidate FAQs

Frequently asked questions that candidates may have while completing assessments

Written by James
Updated over a year ago


  • Can I reset individual sections of the assessment?

No, we aren’t able to reset individual sections of the assessment. Should something happen during an individual assessment preventing you from completing it successfully, you’ll need to reach out to the organisation that issued the assessment and they’ll be able to send you a new assessment link.

  • Can I take breaks during the assessment?

Yes, in between individual sections of the assessment, in between two ability assessments for example, you can take a break. All you’ll have to do when you’re ready to go again is open your assessment link and continue with the next section.

  • What browser do you recommend using to complete the assessment?

We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Please make sure that you’re in a quiet place with no distractions and that you’re using a PC or laptop to complete your assessments. If you’re experiencing any errors and aren’t using one of the browsers above, there is a large chance that this is causing the error.

  • How can I access my results?

If you don’t receive your results shortly after completing your assessment, please reach out to your contact at the organisation who issued your assessment. THye will be able to send your candidate report to you.

  • Do I have to accept terms and conditions before starting my assessment?

Yes, this is required so that we can provide fair and industry leading assessments.

  • What is the check box asking me about “relevant interview opportunities”?

Thrive operates a candidate development program which provides candidates who opt in with exposure to organisations who are actively looking for talent. Should you opt in to this, your results and relevant information will be available to other organisations that are customers of Thrive. Please note that this option will only be available if you are completing assessments for an organisation that has opted in to the program. You also do not need to opt in, in order to complete your assessment.

  • I’m receiving an error during the assessment, what should I do?

In the vast majority of cases, this will either be an app or browser error. In this case, the system is built to refresh. Please follow the instructions outlined in the error message, refresh your browser and wait thirty minutes. You can then access your original assessment link again and continue where you left off. Please make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

  • I can’t press “next”, only the “back” button is visible. What should I do?

This is because one of the instruction prompts requires completion in order for the “next” button to appear. Please read the instructions carefully and press the relevant highlighted key or tab in order to progress.

  • Are there practice assessments available?

We currently do not offer practice assessments. There is no precise ETA on when they will be available.

  • Do you provide allowances for difficulties like dyslexia?

Yes, we provide extra time allowances for candidates that require them. Please reach out to your contact at the organisation that issued your assessment, provide them with the percentage of extra time you need and we'll be able to make that allowance for you.

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