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Thrive FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Thrive

Written by James
Updated over a year ago


  • Can I add additional users to my account?

Yes, you can add as many users as you’d like. To do so, please send the full name and email address of the new user to support or directly to your Customer Success Manager.

  • Can I remove users from my account?

Yes, please reach out via support with the email address of the user that you need removed. Our team will be able to deactivate their user profile for you.

  • How can I change my account password?

To change your password, simply logout from your user account by clicking the "logout" button in the pane on the left hand side of your screen. This will take you back to the login page. From there, click "forgot password" and follow the instructions to reset your password.

  • How do Thrive count assessments used?

Assessments sent using our hiring tool are charged per assessment sent. Assessments sent from our Employee development tool are counted per unique email address, per year. So, you can send out assessments and surveys to the same employee multiple times in a year while only being charged once.

  • Where can I see how many assessments I’ve sent and have remaining

There is a counter on the top right of the homepage of your Thrive account. If you have further questions, kindly reach out to support.

  • How can I send a candidate their assessment results?

Simply navigate to the campaign that the candidate was added to. From there, click on the relevant candidate’s name to open their candidate profile. Press the “send feedback” button at the top of the page and the candidate report will be sent directly to the candidate.

  • What are the “psychologist recommended” assessments

These are assessments selected by the occupational psychologists, designed to be as robust and valid at predicting job success in a chosen role. When selecting a role during campaign creation, these recommendations will be added as a default, you can then customise them in line with the role at your organisation.

  • Can I create a custom role with assessments of my choosing?

Yes, our assessments are now completely customisable. Simply select the role name closest to the one you’re assessing for and you’ll then be able to edit the assessments included as you see fit.

  • How can I purchase additional Thrive assessments?

To purchase additional assessments, please reach out via support or directly to your Customer Success Manager. If your plan includes overages, then you will continue to be charged overages in line with your selected package, for assessments sent out in excess of your allowance. .

  • Where can I leave feedback or a review on Thrive?

You can leave a review here. Alternatively, keep an eye out for a review link on any correspondence from us or in the support chat pop-up.

  • Can I reset individual sections of a Thrive assessment?

No, this is not possible. If a candidate has an issue during an individual assessment, then they will need to be added again as a new candidate and complete the assessment again.

  • How do I extend a candidate's / employee’s assessment completion deadline?

In the relevant Campaign or Project, navigate to the Candidate or Employee for whom you’d like to change the deadline. Simply click on the pencil icon next to their name and update the deadline as required.

  • A candidate needs help, can they contact Thrive directly?

Yes, they can do this via the support button in the assessment, located at the top of the page.

  • What packages does Thrive offer and what is included

We have a number of packages which will no doubt suit your needs. For more information, visit our pricing page here.

  • How can I contact Thrive for support or with questions?

You can get in touch via the support chat. Available from the bubble at the bottom right of your screen.

  • Do candidate’s automatically receive their assessment results?

If toggled on in the scheduling step of Campaign creation then yes, candidate reports will be sent automatically. This is the default but can be changed if you see fit.

  • How do I stop surveys from being sent automatically?

On the survey selection step of Project creation, select “OFF” as your chosen survey frequency. You can also edit this later in the relevant project by clicking the pencil icon underneath the score display for the specific cultural domain of your choice.

  • How can I ensure my assessments are fair and unbiased?

Don’t worry, there’s nothing that you need to do to ensure this. We follow a rigorous set of protocols regarding validity and reliability, with specific emphasis on making sure that assessments are completely fair to everyone.

  • What is the purpose of an ability assessment?

Our personality and ability assessments are scientifically proven to be more stable and predictive of future job performance than education, experience or even interviews. Ability assessments measure cognitive ability in key areas relevant to workplace performance such as verbal reasoning or logical thinking. The selection of these can be customised in line with the requirements of a specific role.

  • What is the purpose of a personality assessment?

Our personality and ability assessments are scientifically proven to be more stable and predictive of future job performance than education, experience or even interviews. Our personality assessments allow you to understand a candidate’s natural alignment with workplace specific traits that are vital both within a role and at your organisation.

  • What is the purpose of a behaviour assessment?

Scientifically valid behavioural assessments, built by

leading occupational psychologists, help organisations

understand how their employees work (both as an individual

and within a team), with a real focus on areas that are

essential for achieving high organisational performance.

  • Are the surveys anonymous?

Yes, culture surveys are completely anonymous. Only behavioural assessments are personalised.

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